Indicatoare autocantarire



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Indicator cantarire  DFWLAP Mărește

Indicator cantarire DFWLAP

New product

Indicator cantarire  DFWLAP.

Producator: Dini Argeo.

Cerere oferta

More details


  • 5-key waterproof keypad.
  • Backlit 25 mm LCD display with 6 high contrast digits with icons for showing the active functions.
  • Easy to clean, IP67 ABS waterproof case, resistant to corrosive environments.
  • Dimensions: 230 x 54 x 165 mm.
  • A/D 24 bit, 4 channels converter, max. 200 conv./sec. autoselect, and up to 8 signal linearisation points.
  • Up to 10.000e (also multirange 3 x 3000e in the DFWLAP version) @ 0,3 µV/d in CE-M approved version for legal for trade use.
  • Up to 1.000.000 displayable divisions with internal resolution up to 3.000.000 points.
  • Digital calibration and Set-Up from keypad or from PC through DINITOOLS.
  • Connection with up to 8 load cells with input resistance equal to 350 Ohm or up to 16 cells of 700 Ohm each. 4 analogue reading channels.
  • Power supply through built-in rechargeable battery, with about 40-hour operating time depending on the using mode.
  • Fitted with battery charger.
 DFWLAP: Wireless equalisation box
  • Digital equalisation of the 4 reading channels, with visualization of the total weight.
  • KEYBOARD FUNCTIONS: Zeroing, Tara, Transmission of the displayed weight to PC or Print function on repeater, Selectable function command which can be: x10 Visualization, Net/Gross or lb/kg Conversion, Weight totalisation, Formulation, +/- Check, % weighing, Approved transmission of the weight to PC/PLC (with Alibi memory ALMEM option), Counting, Input/Output, Hold, Peak.
 DFWLAPKR: Multi scales transmitter (up to 4)
  • Independent calibration of the 4 channels, with transmission of each weigh and of the sum to the PC or DFWKRPRF repeater.
  • FUNCTIONS WITH DFWKRPRF: Zeroing, Tare, Wheel/axle weighing, Input/output weighing, Tractor + Trailer Totalisation, Centre of gravity calculation, Display and Printing on DFWKRPRF of the single channel/Channel combinations/Weight total/Input-output difference/Vehicles’ total/Centre of gravity coordinates.
Available versions
  Code Description
DFWLAP-1 Wireless weight transmitter for connection to the main indicator or PC. Max. functioning distance, in appropriate environmental and installation conditions: 70m indoors, 150m outdoors. 50 configurable channels. Fitted with standard weighing program with digital equalisation of 4 reading channels.
DFWLAPKR-1 Wireless weight transmitter for connection to the DFWKRPRF weight repeater or PC, ideal to create weighing station without cable. Max. functioning distance, in appropriate environmental and installation conditions: 70m indoors, 150m outdoors. 50 configurable channels. Fitted with static wheel weighing / axle weighing programme.
  Code Description
SWM WeiMonitor PC program for monitoring and recording weighs in real time, from one or more scales.
DFWKRPRF-2 Indicator with transport case and printer for WWS RF wireless platforms. 17-key keypad, LCD backlit display, time/date, 868MHz radio frequency module and dedicated program.
MSTSLV Program for using the indicator as a repeater. It must be combined with the DFW and DGT weight indicators.
OBRFUSB-2 (S2) External 868 MHz radio frequency module, USB cable l=1m. Power supply directly from the USB port. Max. functioning distance, in appropriate environmental and installation conditions: 70m indoors, 150m outdoors. 50 configurable channels. (OBRFUSB-1 must be combined with another radio module).
ALMEM (S1) Alibi memory (fiscal memory, max 120.000 weighs) for approved transmission of the weight to PC/PLC or data recording on MMC/USB. Real time clock integrated for print of the date/time.
BLTH (S1) Built-in bluetooth interface. For wireless connection to the portable PC or PDA. Weighing app downloadable from Google Play.
DFTL12-1 (S1) 19-keys remote control and infrared receiver kit (max 8m).
  Code Description
DGT60R (S2) Weight repeater with 60 mm LED display. IP68 stainless steel case, 5-key keypad, air valve for regulating the humidity and the pressure, and configurable protocol.





Tastatura rezistenta la apa 5-cheie.
Backlit 25 mm Afișaj LCD cu 6 cifre contrast înalt cu icoane pentru care prezintă funcțiile activi.
Ușor de curățat, IP67 ABS caz impermeabil, rezistent la medii corozive.
Dimensiuni: 230 x 54 x 165 mm.
A / D de 24 biti, 4 canale Convertor, max. 200 conv. / Sec. AutoSelect, și până la 8 puncte de liniarizare a semnalului.
Până la 10.000e (de asemenea, multirange 3 x 3000e în versiunea DFWLAP) @ 0,3 μV / d în CE-M aprobat versiunea pentru legală pentru utilizarea comercială.
Până la 1.000.000 diviziuni afișabil cu rezoluție de până la 3.000.000 puncte interne.
Calibrare digitală și Set-Up de la tastatură sau de la PC prin DINITOOLS.
Conexiune cu până la 8 celule de sarcină cu o rezistență de intrare egală cu 350 Ohm sau până la 16 de celule de 700 Ohm fiecare. 4 canale de citire analog.
Sursa de alimentare prin intermediul built-in baterie reîncărcabilă, cu durată mare de funcționare aproximativ 40 de ore, în funcție de modul de utilizarea.
Echipat cu încărcător de baterie.

DFWLAP: cutie egalizare Wireless

Egalizare digitală a 4 canale de citire, cu vizualizare din greutatea totală.
Funcții ale tastaturii: Zero, Tara, Transmisie din greutatea afișată la PC sau Print funcție pe repetor, funcție selectată, care poate fi: x10 vizualizare, net / brut sau lb / kg de conversie, Greutate totalizare, formulare, +/- Cec,% de cântărire, de transmisie și aprobată de greutate la PC / PLC (cu Alibi opțiune ALMEM memorie), de numărare, de intrare / ieșire, Hold, Peak.

DFWLAPKR: Multi Balanta transmițător (până la 4)

Calibrare independent de 4 canale, cu transmisie de fiecare cântărește și a sumei la PC sau DFWKRPRF repetor.
FUNCȚII CU DFWKRPRF: Zero, proprie, roata / osie de cântărire, de intrare / ieșire de cântărire, Tractor + Trailer totalizare, Centrul de calcul greutate, Display și Imprimare pe DFWKRPRF de combinațiile singur canal / canal / greutate totală / diferență de intrare-ieșire / Vehicule "totală / Centrul de greutate coordonate.


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Indicator cantarire  DFWLAP

Indicator cantarire DFWLAP

Indicator cantarire  DFWLAP.

Producator: Dini Argeo.

Cerere oferta
