Platforme industriale de cantarire cu 4 celule



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Platforma cantarire BFS

New product

Producator: Kern & Sohn - Germania
Capacitate: 600kg, 1.500kg, 3.000Kg
Omologare: Disponibil in variante neomologate
Dimensiune: 100x100cm, 150x125cm
Material platan: Metal vopsit
Celule sarcina: 4 celule

Cerere oferta

More details


  • Weighing bridge with non-slip steel chequer plate, lacquered, overall height 80 mm
  • Easy access to the junction box from the top
  • Comfortable adjustment of the weighing bridge from above
  • Benchtop stand incl. wall mount for display device as standard
  • Precise counting: The manual optimisation of reference weight gradually improves the average value of the piece weight
  • Totalising of counting operations
  • Weighing with tolerance range (checkweighing): Input of an upper/lower limit value. A visual and audible signal assists with portion division, dispensing or grading

Caracteristici principale:

  •          Pod de cantarire cu anti-alunecare, placa de otel Checker, lacuita, inaltime totala 80 mm;
  •          Acces facil la cutia de jonctiune in partea de sus;
  •          Reglare usoara a podului de cantarire;
  •          Montare pe perete pentru dispozitivul de afisare standard;
  •          Numarare precisa, totalizarea operatiunilor de numarare;
  •          Cantarire cu interval de toleranta.


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Platforma cantarire BFS

Platforma cantarire BFS

Producator: Kern & Sohn - Germania
Capacitate: 600kg, 1.500kg, 3.000Kg
Omologare: Disponibil in variante neomologate
Dimensiune: 100x100cm, 150x125cm
Material platan: Metal vopsit
Celule sarcina: 4 celule

Cerere oferta
