Cantare de macara



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Cantar de macara MCWHU HULK


New product

Producator: Dini Argeo - Italia
Capacitate: 10, 15, 25, 35 tone
Omologare: Disponibil in variante omologate si neomologate
Ecran: Leduri de culoare rosie, 40mm inaltime
Mediu de utilizare: -10°/+ 80°C (+ scut termic), -10°/+ 40°C (varianta omologata)
Autonomie: Acumulator inchis ermetic, pana la 60 ore

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Cantar de macara de mare capacitate pentru uz industrial, sigur si usor de folosit, potrivit atat pentru depozite business cat si pentru multe alte medii adverse. Disponibil pentru uz intern in fabrica sau cu certificat metrologic CE-M. Ocupa putin spatiu permitind cel mai bun uz pentru aparatele de ridicat (poduri mobile, macarale, etc). Predispuse pentru un inel conectat superior si un carlig conectat inferior. Dotat cu certificat de omologare testat obtinut cu greutati etalon, pana la 15000 kg din capacitate. 

Caracteristici principale:

  •  Afisaj LCD iluminat rosu de 40mm;
  •  5 taste impermeabile: zero, tara semi automata sau presetabila,mode,print,on/off; 
  •  Intesitatea luminii ajustabila;

  •  Ecran protector din plexiglas pentru display si tastatura;
  •  Precizie: +/- 0,1% pe intreaga scala; 
  • Structura fixa din otel inoxidabil, cu un grad de protectie IP67 a incarcaturii si electronici, impotriva prafului si spraiurilor.
  • Greutati pana in 86Kg.
  • Telecomanda 6taste cu radiofrecventa, configurabila ca doar tara automata sau ca o tastatura la distanta;
  • Dotat cu baterie extractibila reincarcabila, cu timp de operare de 60h, creat pentru a fi optional conectat cu MCWHBK, pentru o folosire continua 24/7h a cantarului de macara.Reincarcarea poate fi facuta direct prin cantarul de macara sau printr-un incarcator exterior de baterie, cu optiunea MCWHBK.
  •  Setarile digitale si calibrarea programabila poate fi facuta direct de la tastatura folosind o greutate etalon.
  • Dotat cu alimentator 230Vac 50Hz, pentru incarcarea bateriei de la cantarul macara.

  • Temperatura de operare: -10/+40 *C, cu scut termal optional (-10/40*C pentru modelul aprobat metrologic CE-M);

  • Filtru difgital programabil si functie de economisire a bateriei.

Functii disponibile de la telecomanda:

  • Zero; tare; functie de activare/dezactivare;printare; oprire.

Optiuni disponibile doar la un anumit interval:

  • Transmisie prin frecventa radio la indicatorul la distanta pana la 70m in interior.
  • Cutie optionala pentru imprimanta termica integrata atasata la inidicator
  • Scut termal pentru protectie de raze infrarosi si temperaturi ridicate.
  • Interfata Wi-Fi
  • Versiunea ATEX
  • Data si timp
  • Certificat de calibrare ACCREDIA in conformitate cu standardele OIML/ASTM.
  • Indicator de greutate la distanta (vezi DFW...,3590...,TRS...,DGT60... seriile indicatoarelor) cu imprimanta legata prin frecventa radio.
  • Statie separata de reincarcare 230 Vac 50hz pentru uz continu 24/7, confectionata dintr-o baterie aditionala si adaptor pentru o incarcare externa a bateriei.

Modele disponibile:

 MCWHU10-1 10000 2  
 MCWHU15-1 15000 2  
 MCWHU25-1 25000 5  
 MCWHU35-1 35000 10  
 MCWHU10M-1  10000   10
 MCWHU15M-1  15000   10


 Indicatoare conectabile la cantarul MCWHU prin modulul optional de radio-frecventa:

  Code Description  
3590EKR Weight indicator with AF09 software with printer, transport case, 25-key keypad, LED display and backlit graphic LCD display.
DFWPM-1 Portable weight repeater for radio frequency communication, with ABS case, 5-key keypad and backlit LCD display.
DFW06XPCC Multifunction weight indicator with IP65 ABS case, 5-key keypad backlit LCD display, and standard weighing programme.

Optionale valabile doar in momentul comenzii:

  Code Description  
SWM WeiMonitor PC program for monitoring and recording weighs in real time, from one or more scales.
RFITRMCW-2 Integrated 868 MHz radio frequency module on the crane scale, complete of RS232 port. Max. functioning distance in appropriate environmental and installation conditions: 70m indoors, 150m outdoors. Up to 50 configurable channels.
OBRF-2 External 868 MHz radio module, cable l=3m (cable gland not included) ABS IP65 protecting box, 3 m cable, power supply from weight indicator. Max. distance, in appropriate environmental and installation conditions: 70m indoors, 150m outdoors. 50 configurable channels.
OBRFUSB-2 868 MHz external radio frequency module, USB cable l=1m. Max. functioning distance, in appropriate environmental and installation conditions: 70m indoors, 150m outdoors. 50 configurable channels. (OBRF232 must be combined with another radio module).
OBRF232-2 External 868 MHz radio module, RS232 cable l=3m with DB9 connector. for PC, ABS IP65 protecting box. Max. functioning distance, in appropriate environmental and installation conditions: 70m indoors, 150m outdoors. 50 configurable channels. (OBRF232 must be combined with another radio module).
ALMEM Alibi memory (fiscal memory, max 120.000 weighs) for approved transmission of the weight to PC/PLC or data recording on MMC/USB. Real time clock integrated for print of the date/time.
TPRP Thermal printer for panel mounting with connection cable, 5V power supply (power adapter not included).
DFCLK Real time clock for printing/displaying of the date and time.
WIFITD Built-in WI-FI interface for wireless connection (through access point) to the company computer system.
MCWHSH-1 Thermal shield for protection from high temperatures (the crane scale can function with a max. environment temperature of 80°C. The thermal shield prevents the heat (in the form of infrared rays) beneath the shield to quickly increase the crane scale temperature. With the thermal shield it is possible to quickly pass over heat sources having a strong infrared ray emission. The amount of time which it can be above these sources depends on the type of source energy and the distance of the crane scale from it.)
MCWHBK-1 Additional extractable battery kit, rechargeable, for 24/7 continuous use of the crane scale and battery charger with light indication of the status. Ready for use with the power supply of the crane scale.


  Code Description  
GG15 Swivelling bottom hook with safety lock 15 t.
GG22 Swivelling bottom hook with safety lock 22 t.
GG30 Swivelling bottom hook with safety lock 30 t.
CA15 Connection ring 15 t.
CA30 Connection ring 30 t.
CA40 Connection ring 40 t.
UKPLUG Power adapter from Schuko to BS1363.


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Cantar de macara MCWHU HULK

Cantar de macara MCWHU HULK

Producator: Dini Argeo - Italia
Capacitate: 10, 15, 25, 35 tone
Omologare: Disponibil in variante omologate si neomologate
Ecran: Leduri de culoare rosie, 40mm inaltime
Mediu de utilizare: -10°/+ 80°C (+ scut termic), -10°/+ 40°C (varianta omologata)
Autonomie: Acumulator inchis ermetic, pana la 60 ore

Cerere oferta

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